Monday, March 9, 2020

181.Louis Master Reminiscence

Imagine someone dedicating ones retired life to  travel for bonding friendships...That’s Louis alumni of IASE and later Patron of Poorvasuryam, the Alumni Association of IASE...

One of the proposed programmes of the Platinum Jubilee celebration of  the college  was to reminiscence the life of  Louis Master which took place today 09 March 2020 in the college auditorium.

Sri Sasi and Sri Hari  travel mates of  Louis Master shared their thoughts of a man who was  a living example of compassion for those afflicted with painful illness.

A documentary on  Louis master’s life was also screened on the occasion.

180.Annie Besant Speech Competition

The  Theosophical  Lodge,  the Irinjalakuda branch of the Theosophical  Society  had organized a speech competition based on  the book  containing speeches entitled  Right Citizenship. The book comprised  six chapters and one chapter each was assigned to six different  students who had volunteered. 

Name of  student to whom chapters were  allotted based on lots
1.Public spirit-Ideal and Practical
Mridula VV             S2 BEd Natural Science
2.Education as the basis  of National Life
Rahana PA             S3 BEd Physical Science
3.Creating India’s Leaders
Sneha Jaison         S4 BEd English
4.India’s Need
Sweety Varghese   S4 MEd
5.Training of  Citizenship
Megha P Sunny      S2 MEd
6.The schoolboy as citizen
Soundrya                S4 BEd Physical Sc.

The participants who were given a book each on 31 December 2019  were expected to master the content of  the chapter assigned and to deliver a speech  in March before the students of the college. The competition was held on 09 March 2020. Prior to the commencement of the competition, Dr. T.K.Nair, Secretary of Perinjanam Theosophical Lodge addressed the audience and spoke about the contributions of Annie Besant.

A jury comprising teachers  selected the best speaker Megha P Sunny who will be awarded the first prize of Rupees One Thousand at a function to be held at Perinjanam Theophical Lodge.

179.A Role Model

28 February 2020, was like any other working day. There are two  entry points to the  class rooms and  different departments. One the main entrance next to the college office. The second one at one end of the extension of the  main building is  normally used by the ASAP  Centre   and was identified  as an ideal  point to enter unnoticed by a clever bag snatcher.
The unexpected presence of a stranger in the corridor prompted an alert Ms.Sheena Jose, Assistant Professor to question him... Finding his answers  evasive, Ms.Sheena quickly drew the attention of Dr.Sreekala whose room the ‘stranger’ appeared to have entered.
What followed was a chase...Dr.Sreekala, her students  and college  staff who were sipping tea in the canteen adjacent to the main building. A chase that lasted almost one hundred metres led to the capture of the thief who had managed to give the slip with Dr.Sreekala’s bag.

The prompt  action and  presence of mind  displayed by  Dr.Sreekala came for appreciation in both the social media and local press. The following  working day the staff and students  felicitated Dr.Sreekala for being a role model for over 90 percent of   students of the college who are women.

178.National Science Day

National Science Day is celebrated on February 28 every year to honour the discovery of 'Raman Effect'. This year, the theme for National Science Day 2020 is "Women in Science", which aims to appreciate the contribution of women in the field of science. The basic purpose of this day is to inspire students to new experiments, attract them to science, and make them aware of science and scientific achievements. 
The students of IASE, Thrissur organized a special assembly on the occasion. Video clips on lives and achievements of women scientists were screened.

177. Managing Learning Disability

The Jeevani Centre for Students’ Wellbeing of IASE, Thrisur organized a session on  the recent trends in management of learning disability. Mrs. Atheena Shine, Child and Rehabilitation Psychologist engaged the session. Mr.Prasanth, Assistant Professor of IASE and Ms Naina Vincent Jeevani Coordinator of   IASE had planned the session in view of the  fact that  today  there is an increase in the  number of children suffering with learning disability in school settings.

The session focused on different types of learning disabilities such as Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia. The participants were familiarized with ways of  identifying and managing  students with learning disability. The session concluded with a  vote of thanks by Ms. Soundarya.
[Report  courtesy Ms. Naina]

176.Staff News

Following a directive from the Department of Collegiate Education, two temporary   faculties were selected for appointment- one each in Fine Arts and Performing Arts.
To fulfil the  directive of the National Council for Teacher Education, five  additional temporary  faculty  were appointed in IASE.

Mr. Jhonny who for  over two years had been serving  in the newly created SRV Music college on work arrangement basis was permanently transferred to that college. The Staff Club organized a send off function on the occasion.
Mr.Roy, Night watchman joined in the vacancy of Mr.Sayooj who was transferred on category change.

175. Workshop on Sanskrit Films

On Thursday, 20 February 2020, the Department of Sanskrit of  IASE, organized a  Workshop on Sanskrit Film Production.  Screening of Sanskrit films   and  Presentation on the main theme followed. 
The Workshop was inaugurated by Dr.Mahesh Babu a  State-level trainer.  During the inaugural function, Dr. Renuka, Principal BVN  CTE, Kallekkad and Ms.Deepa K, Assistant Professor CUTEC, Valappad offered felicitation.  The session was presided by Ms. Priya Nair and  Ms. Saranya offered the  vote of thanks.
Students of BVN CTE, Kallekkad and NCTE, Irinjalakuda participated in the Workshop.

174.PTA General Body Meeting

Funding for a  number of programmes organized for the students of IASE, Thirussur is by the PTA.  Recently,  the  National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE)   had  given specific instruction to fill up the  required number of faculty positions for offering two BEd and two MEd programmes  simultaneously. The only alternative to  addressing  the  issue  before the last date  assigned, viz; 31 March 2020  was to recruit  five  faculty   for whom salary has to be paid by the PTA.  As this would incur a huge  sum,  the Executive Committee had sought the consent of the PTA General Body to sanction the salary  to be paid  to the  newly recruited  faculty.  So  an urgent  PTA meeting was held in the college auditorium on  Monday, 24 February 2020.  The  meeting  unanimously  resolved to  meet the  salary related  expenses from the PTA.

182.News Update May 2020

Just prior to the Covid pandemic shut down in the last week of March 2020, the   Women’s   hostel was   cleaned, sanitized and kept ready...